It's a Thing

Why Does No One Talk About the House in Teletubbies?

We recently found ourselves inspired
teletubbyland with hillshaped house covered in grass
Welcome to Teletubbyland.Photo: Courtesy of DHX Media

If you watched Teletubbies as a kid, the intro song is probably stuck in your head for life. (I'll spare you my rendition.) What you may have forgotten is the fabulously wacky house Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa, and Po bop around in. Redesigned in 2015, "Home Hill," as it's called, boasts an ultra-bright color palette and curvy furnishings with a distinct ’70s vibes. The British TV show's dome-shaped set might have been created with kids in mind, but there are a bunch of details we'd happily have in our homes as fully grown adults. Apparently, we're not the only ones—according to T: The New York Times Style Magazine, design firm Butternutten created an oversize chair for the new exhibit “Blow-Up" at Manhattan gallery Friedman Benda based on the wooden one on the original Teletubbies set. Bet you didn't see that one coming. While you're digesting this news, here are a few other decor moments that caught our attention:

The grass-covered exterior

Home Hill blends right into Teletubbyland, cloaked in grass and flowers top to bottom, its half-moon windows the only hint of what's inside. There are major fairy-tale vibes, which would admittedly be difficult to replicate IRL. A green roof, on the other hand, feels doable.

The dining table

Okay, the dining table's yellow-and-orange color combo is a little much, but its shape—check out that Chen Chen and Kai Williams–esque base!—is perfection. How do we get one in human size?

The dining area in Home Hill.

Photo: Courtesy of DHX Media

The upholstered "wainscoting"

The Teletubbies's producers might've come up with the a new wall treatment. They wrapped what we liken to two giant orange bolster pillows along the lower half of the walls, giving them major dimension. We can see a badass headboard being made in a similar fashion.

Please note the orange-and-red "wainscoting" framing the playroom.

Photo: Courtesy of DHX Media

The chunky bed frames

Oversize, chubby furniture is all over the place right now—including on the Teletubbies set. These rounded, low-slung bed frames kind of look like giant chaise longues, and we don't hate it. Who needs nightstands when all your knickknacks can fit right on the side rail?

The sleeping quarters.

Photo: Courtesy of DHX Media